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Grid Tied vs Hybrid Solar Systems

Understanding Grid-Tied vs. Hybrid Solar Solutions

In the ever-evolving world of renewable energy, homeowners and businesses often find themselves choosing between different types of solar power systems. Two of the most popular options are Grid-Tied and Hybrid Solar Solutions. Both have their unique advantages and disadvantages. This blog post will explore these two systems, helping you make an informed decision based on your needs.

Grid-Tied Solar Solutions

A Grid-Tied Solar Solution is directly connected to the public electricity grid. This means that any excess electricity generated by your solar panels can be fed back into the grid. In return, you can draw electricity from the grid when your solar system isn't producing enough power (e.g., at night or during cloudy days).


  • Cost-Effective:
    • Typically less expensive than hybrid systems due to the absence of batteries.
    • Lower installation and maintenance costs.
  • Efficiency:
    • High efficiency as there's no need to store energy.
    • Benefit from net metering, where you can earn credits for the surplus energy fed back into the grid.
  • Simpler Design:
    • Easier to install and manage with fewer components.


  • No Backup Power:
    • During a power outage, the system shuts down to prevent back-feeding electricity into the grid, which can be dangerous for Municipality or Eskom workers.
  • Dependence on the Grid:
    • Reliance on the grid means if there are issues with the utility, your system could be affected.

Hybrid Solar Solutions

A Hybrid Solar Solution combines the features of a Grid-Tied system with the added benefit of batteries. This system can store excess energy generated during the day for use during power outages or at night.


  • Backup Power:
    • Provides power during outages, ensuring that critical appliances remain functional.
  • Energy Independence:
    • Less reliance on the grid, giving you more control over your power usage and costs.
  • Optimal Energy Use:
    • You can use stored energy during peak hours when electricity rates are higher, potentially saving money.


  • Higher Initial Cost:
    • Batteries and additional components increase the upfront cost.
    • Maintenance and replacement costs for batteries over time.
  • Complex Installation:
    • More complicated to install and configure compared to grid-tied systems.
  • Efficiency Loss:
    • Some energy is lost during the storage and retrieval process.

Which One is Right for You?

Choosing between Grid-Tied and Hybrid Solar Solutions depends on your specific needs, budget, and energy goals.

  • Grid-Tied Solar Solution:
    • Ideal for those looking for a cost-effective way to reduce their electricity bills and take advantage of net metering (where we can).
    • Suitable for areas with a stable grid and minimal power outages.
  • Hybrid Solar Solution:
    • Best for those who want a reliable backup during power outages and are willing to invest more upfront for added security and energy independence.
    • Ideal for areas with frequent power outages or where the grid is unreliable.

Both systems offer significant benefits and can contribute to reducing your carbon footprint. At NuHome, we’re here to help you choose the best solution for your needs. Contact us today to learn more about how solar energy can power your home or business.

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